Friday, December 30, 2011

Hormones and Hair Loss: A Womanly Malady

By Emily Thomas

Hair growth occurs in cycles and varies by individual. Most people lose 50-100 hair per day, and the hair that is lost is replaced by new hair growth. Typically, hair grows approximately inch per month and the average individual has approximately 100,000 hairs in their scalp. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, "The most common cause of hair loss is a medical condition called hereditary hair loss. About 80 million men and women in the United States have this type of hair loss. Other names for this type of hair loss are: male-pattern baldness, female-pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia."

Causes There are many various causes of the condition, however, androgenetic alopecia causes hair loss problems in more than 70% of people. Both men and women can suffer from it. If you have androgenetic alopecia, your hair will not fall off instantly. First, it will become much thinner and only then you will notice that your hairline is receding. Poor nutrition, hormonal changes and some medications as well as forms of medical treatment can also provoke the condition.

Women and teenage girls can notice hair fall during hormonal changes. For example many women can experience this problem during pregnancy. If you one of them - do not worry because, in most cases, your hair will grow back and be normal again after your child is born and hormonal balance in your body is restored.

Alopecia areata Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease of unknown origins. Since a family history of this condition increases your chances of developing it, doctors suspect that it may be hereditary and some people may be predisposed to develop it. Luckily, your hair usually grows back, but you may lose and regrow it a number of times.

If your hair loss is not yet very serious, the best solution for you would be to use minoxidil. This is the only FDA approved topical solution that is clinically tested and is proven to be really effective. Men should use products that contain 5% of minoxidil and women should use products that contain 2% of minoxidil.

Causes of Telogen effluvium include: emotional distress, death of a loved one, physiological stress, such as a high fever, sudden or excessive weight loss, extreme diets, nutritional deficiencies, surgery, or metabolic disturbances.

An advanced non-surgical hair system, also known as a wig- though, the word and its connotations do not do it justice- can provide robust, practical, versatile, cost-effective, and realistic hair cover for those of us who suffer from thinning hair.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Human Hair or Synthetic Hair?

By Mae Tagapulot

A lace front wig is the latest and fastest way to accomplish pretty, glossy hair. This type of wig is really a result of hard work because it is stitched on a lace base manually. It is painstakingly made and consumes an entire month to be finished; it is not surprising why the quality of a lace front wig is actually fantastic. The lace base of this wig is a very delicate mesh lace that could either be a Swiss or French lace. This lace blends well with the skin and it is undetectable as long as it is placed correctly. Thanks to the softness and pliability of this lace where the hair fibers are connected to, the whole wig is not weighty and goes well to the form of anybody's head. And in contrast to traditional wigs, a lace front wig does not feel warm on the head when put on. It is definitely the most genuine sort of wig available in the market nowadays and when used correctly, nobody could recognize you are using a wig.

Usually, there are 2 categories of lace front wig. We shall discuss each of them one by one:

1. Lace Front Wig made of Human Hair

In whatever kind of hairpiece or wig, nothing beats the one that is made from real hair. They are as natural looking as one would expect them to be. The hottest kinds of human hair used in wigs are the Remy and Asian hair.

Remy hair typically comes from Indian, Brazilian, or Native American hair donors. A lace front wig that's made from Remy hair implies the hair used in that specific wig comes from a single donor only. With Remy hair, the hair cuticles are arranged in a single direction which makes it shinier and more manageable.

Another kind of human hair is the Asian hair, which is most loved for its amazingly straight and naturally black strands. If you are Asian or want to sport the chic straight and sleek hairstyle, an Asian hair type of lace front wig will suit you best.

Human hair lace wigs are quite costly in comparison to the other types but it is expected from something that's made of good quality. So if have enough funds, choose human hair and certainly you will get your money's worth.

2. Lace Front Wig made from Synthetic Hair

If you have a tight budget, don't worry, because you can have your lace wig from artificial hair. A synthetic hair lace front wig is not as good as the one made of human hair, it can still offer great satisfaction so long as you're a wise purchaser and user. If you intend to wear a wig for a brief period only synthetic hair is the most efficient option because they don't cost as much as the human hair does. Furthermore, if you're the experimental type and would like to try out different hairstyles, you need to do it with synthetic hair lace front wigs.

Many users are also pleased with this type of wig. With proper use and care, it will satisfactorily meet its purpose and leave the wearer happy and delighted.

To select the most suitable lace front wig, you must do some careful planning to be able to set your intention and expectations.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Natural Hair Loss Treatments

By Alex Blaken

The never ending search for the best hair loss treatment has achieved new levels. More and more people are getting a lot more anxious to find the best treatments to hair loss that they can. Vanity has nothing to do with this. Some people just don't want to be the butt of all jokes because of their balding heads.

Baldness can be a very embarrassing condition. It can be a source of ridicule or might be the favorite subject matter for co-workers. Some people cover up bald spots by using different hairstyles or wearing caps. Some would use hair implants while others continue to look among store shelves for the best hair loss products they can find.

Here is a list of tips to make choosing the best hair loss treatment less difficult

Natural hair loss solutions- find a product that uses natural ingredients to overcome hair loss. The use of natural products would guarantee that there are no ill side effects in every day application. Make sure that in choosing the best hair loss treatments, no harmful or foul smelling chemicals are included in their ingredients.

Read - read reviews on the best hair loss treatments to help you choose from all that's available. Make sure that lots of people have already used the product.

Read up on the comments to make sure that this product is safe to use. Search for any indication that the product that you are considering of buying has no dangerous side effects. This would save you a lot of time and money, not to mention save you from a potentially awful experience. When buying these sorts of products, it is better to be armed with a great deal of information.

Certified - check if the product is certified. A product approved by the food and drug administration means the product is safe to use. The seal of approval by the administration on a product means that it has been through thorough testing to make sure it is safe for daily use.

When a product is certified by the food and drug administration, it means the company adheres to the administration's strict rules. It also means that the company is open to being inspected onsite by the agents of the administration.

Inspections are to check if the company has employed the rules and regulations set by the administration or not. This procedure is necessary to make sure that the production of hair loss treatments are not dirtied.

Customer care- choose a product that makes their consumers feel important. A product that has contact information would be very useful. Being able to contact the product's company whenever you need to talk about their product is a priceless service. This helps make sure that the best hair loss treatments increases customer satisfaction and approval.

You'll find lots of solutions promoted as the best hair loss treatments in the market. I hope that you're far better able to pick the ones that really work after reading this article.

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thinning Hair Remedies For Male Pattern Baldness

By Whitney Ross

According to the American Hair Loss Association, finasteride is the very of the best thinning hair remedies.

Finasteride, also known as Propecia, is a prescription medication that will lower your blood levels of dihydrotestosterone or DHT. DHT is the main hormone that cause hair loss or thinning hair. According to Merck, the manufacturer of Propecia, 1mg of Propecia can decrease your DHT levels by up to 70 percent. Propecia is only to be taking by adult males. It is not for females due to potential masculine side effects. You are encourage to purchase finasteride with a valid prescription from a US pharmacies to ensure its authenticity.

Minoxidil or Rogaine (FDA-approved for androgenic alopecia)

Rogaine, also known as generic minoxidil, is another one of the FDA-approved thinning hair remedies for the treatment of male and female pattern baldness.

Rogaine or minoxidil is a clinically proven hair loss remedy. Minoxidil or Rogaine is used one or two times daily. Using Rogaine also reduces how much hair you lose in the shower. A controlled research analysis conducted by the "Internatonal Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons" explains that adult males that used five percent Rogaine for a year - reduced the amount of hair lost while showering from a mean of 69.7 hairs lost to a mean of 33.8 hairs lost. This marks over a half reduction of hair lost.

Azelaic Acid (Topical Thinning Hair Remedy)

The compound 'azelaic acid' is an effective hair loss solution. Azelaic acid, like finasteride and rogaine, is scientifically proven to inhibit and reduce DHT when it applied to your skins.

The "American Journal of Clinical Dermatology" states that azelaic acid has the potential to inhibit up to 100% of scalp dihydrotestosterone. If it is the first time you have used a minoxidil solution, you should elect to use a 2% or 5% formula before trying the 15% minoxidil. Be certain that your minoxidil has 5% azelaic acid. Minoxidil or Rogaine will encourage hair growth and azelaic acid will help prevent further hair thinning caused by DHT - a process known as androgenic alopecia. The compound azelaic acid, appears to be better choice to prevent androgenic alopecia than topically applied spironolactone.

Ketoconazole (topical compound in shampoo)

The compound ketoconazole, an anti-androgen that is actually an anti-dermatitis compound, is scientifically proven to reduce DHT or dihydrotestosterone on your scalp. Ketoconazole, as of the date of October 2011, appears to be the only ingredient in shampoo that is scientifically proven to help slow androgenic alopecia or pattern baldness. Like azelaic acid, ketoconazole, will prevent testosterone from converting to dihydrotestosterone on your scalp. In a clinical study reported in the Belgian journal publication "Dermatology" scientists found that ketoconazole shampoo was as effective as 2 percent Rogaine in the continual treatment of androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. Furthermore, a study published in the Japanese "Journal of Dermatology," scientists reported that ketoconazole can stimulate the growth of hair and prevent the progression of thinning hair. Ketoconazole shampoo should be at least every other day to reduce hair thinning and the quantity of hair that is lost while showering.

Spironolactone (Topically Applied)

Spironolactone in a topical cream or lotion is a one of the most popular commercial thinning hair remedies. Some scientific research suggests that topical spironolactone is effective at treating hair loss. Spironolactone, unlike Propecia and azelaic acid, doesn't directly inhibit dihydrotestosterone to prevent hair loss. Spironolactone prevents hair loss by blocking the entry and attachment of DHT to scalp hair receptors. A study in the 1988 "International Journal of Tissue Reactions" researchers report that spironolactone, when topically applied, was effective at preventing 5-AR scalp hair androgen receptors. A more recent study published in the 2010 "Journal of Dermatological Clinics," notes that oral spironolactone could lower DHT and other androgens in females. Still, spironolactone, taking orally is not considered an acceptable treatment for hair loss because of the potential for feminizing side effects. Topically spironolactone is not recommended for hair loss, it doesn't seem to be practically effective unfortunately.

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Get Your Feather Hair Extensions Today

By Yvonne Brixey

Have you notice how popular feather extensions beads have become over the last year? Everyone is wearing feather hair extensions, they are so hot right now! There are many different ways that you can wear your feather hair extensions, but let me tell you why feather extension beads are the best way to wear feathers in your hair.

You will love feather extension beads because they give a lot more wear then your average feather hair extensions. First, lets talk about why feather hair extensions are so great! Feather hair extensions are the latest craze. Feather hair extensions are great for giving your everyday look a boost. Feather hair extensions match with everything and enhance every outfit. Everyone is wearing feather extension beads, but you can customize which colors and lengths you want for your feather extension beads.

You can get feather extensions beads for any hair type. Feather extension beads crimp into your hair, securing the feather hair extension to your real hair. There are many different types of feather extensions and feather extension beads, you can choose between real hair feathers or from synthetic feather hair. Either way, they book look great! With feather extension beads, you can buy your own kit to install your feather extension beads. With a feather extension kit, you will have everything you need to get the latest look!

Another great thing about feather extension beads, is that you can wear them like your real hair. Anything that you can do to your real hair you can do to your feather extension beads. You can curl, straighten, wash, and condition your feather extensions. Feather extension beads are great, because you can take them out and switch feathers as often as you would like. You can also leave your feather extension beads in for as long as you want as well. Feather extension beads are the best way to wear feather extensions in your hair! You need to get your feather extension kit today.

All of your friends are wearing feather extensions, and you should not be left out. Get your feather extension beads, when others can't. You have probably tried to find feather extension beads in the mall with your friends. You may notice that there is a lack in feather extension beads, due to the popularity of them right now. Get yours and all of your friends will wonder where you got your feather extension beads from. You will love the way that your feather extension beads look in your hair. It is amazing how much a feather hair extension can improve your look! You will be so glad that you decided to get your feather extension kit.

Be the envy of all of your friends today with feather hair extensions. Feather extension beads are the most popular type of feather hair extensions, but they are also the hardest to find. Do not wait to get your feather hair extensions, or they will be gone before you know it! See how feather extension beads can make a difference in your style.Enhance Your Style With Feather Hair Extensions

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Vitamins For Your Hair

By Roger Gray

Many people are aware of the fact that vitamins are good for your health but there are few who don't know about hair vitamin supplements. It may sound a little silly, but the truth is you can get hair vitamins that will actually accelerate the growth of your hair. On the market today, there are hair vitamin supplements that have been proven to accelerate hair growth. If you are losing your hair or just want to prevent hair loss in the future a hair vitamin might just be the thing for you. If you want to have a naturally thick head hair, then this is a safe and effective way of doing so.

What is a Hair Vitamin?

In order to accelerate growth of hair, natural supplements called hair vitamin supplements are taken orally. You can take hair vitamin supplements for as long as you would like and this will also show a proven result on your hair. The way these vitamins work is by assisting your own natural hair growth process. The hair that you grow is your own natural hair and this is the best part about these vitamins. The results of a hair vitamin cannot be completed with just shampoos, topical creams, and conditioner.

Considered as a hassle are external products and they can only improve your hair growth to a point. But your hair will grow faster naturally while maintaining its health if you use hair vitamins. When you take these vitamins, you won't have thin, fine hair growing. Your hair will be healthy and just like the hair you always wanted. These vitamins will work by enhancing the natural hair cycle growth. In this method, only the most natural ingredients that your body needs will be used.

The best way to regrow your hair is with vitamins. It is the simplest method. There is not mess or fuss every morning trying to use special shampoos or topical treatments. Instead, all you have to do is take a pill (or two, depending on some vitamin programs) and you will be on your way to a thick, healthy head of hair.

Hair vitamin supplements will improve your confidence and self-esteem and it will also improve the health of your hair. Thin and balding hair is something many people are embarrassed about. What they will do is wear hats and hide under a different one every day. If you have balding or thinning hair, then it's no longer necessary for you to hide. You will never have to worry about that again if you begin to take hair vitamins. Once more, your hair will look thick, natural, and beautiful.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why Choose Natural Black Hair Products

By Shenelle Williams

Many people do not like using chemicals, and look for natural black hair products to give them beautiful and manageable styles. They can help you get the look you want, and are made especially for ethnic hair without sacrificing the style so it stays shiny and healthy.

Breakage can be a problem, making it harder to grow. There are types that can address this problem as well as adding body and shine. Some of these are also formulated to help thinning as well, so that you can have the look you want without further drying the strands out, which helps you keep the damage to a minimum. Shampoos and conditioners can be a good help for this, and there are several that you can choose from to make it effective to have the length you want.

There are also those meant to help the natural curl that is present in the follicle, so that you can display them without frizz and dryness that frequently makes it much harder to keep the style you want looking healthy and shiny. Creams and butters can be beneficial to helping maintain the natural curl without having to use harsh chemicals.

Moisture is important to any type, and there are those that are designed to help add this to the strands as well as give an extra layer of protection to it. This can help give you the body and shine you want, even if you are using straighteners and heat to get the silky look you want. Many of these can be found in conditioners that are left in, or oil treatments to give the best protection you can have.

Even relaxers can be made with these ingredients, with one of the most common being Shea butter. They can help get a straight look without having to rely on chemicals that cause further damage, and will work best in a system including conditioners, butters and oils which will maximize the health of the strands.

Take the time to know your own type and texture. This can be the most useful thing you can do to get a system that is the most effective for you and gives the optimum results. It can also ensure that your beauty routine is the best that it can be that will give you the exact look you want with all he shine and moisture that it needs.

Take the effort to understand your hair and they textures that it has. This will help you find the most effective natural black hair products so that you can have healthy, beautiful style all the time.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hair loss treatment-fight hair loss

By Kathrine Portwood

Hair loss is a problem that irritates a group of humans. Men, women and children can experience types of hair loss and they spend billions of dollars in an effort to prevent losing their hair, and sometimes it works, but in other times they never see any pleasing results. Hair loss treatment needs the patient to be aware of many things and to believe that it might take a lot of time to get your hair back or even to prevent losing it.

More than 5 million follicles shield the fetus body in the twenty-second week which is considered the largest number of follicles in the human physique. One million of follicles are located on the head, and this number starts to decrease as the guy gets older. The human capabilities of a human body changes with aging and that is the basis for losing the ability to make hair naturally.

Hair loss is scientifically known as alopecia, and this report does not refer to a specific type of hair loss, but any kind of hair loss will be called alopecia. There are many reasons for Alopecia such as genetics and the surrounding environment, noting that the most common type of hair loss is (Androgenetic alopecia), or we can say male or female pattern baldness.

Furthermore, the second normal form of hair loss is telogen effluvium. That kind of alopecia appears when there is a change in the number of follicles producing hair. In other words, it happens when there is a sharp drop in the number of follicles for any reason, which is causing follicles to become dormant.

Still androgenetic alopecia represents more than 90% of hair loss in men. A man can experience hair loss between the age of thirty five or forty, and when he grows older this problem starts to circulate in the body.

Baldness does not only affect men as it is commonly known, it, also, harms women as much as 40% or more of hair loss sufferers in the United States are surprisingly women. The damage reaches the brain area when the patient is a woman, because a woman is not expected to suffer from that type of problem in our society.

There are solutions to beat hair loss for men and women. For example, there is the Finasteride which is the generic name for Proscar and Prospecia. A 1mg measure was approved as a cure for androgenic alopecia. Also, there is the Minoxidil that has been approved as a consideration since many years and its validity varies depending on the condition of hair loss. Finally, we should note that the earlier you start hair loss treatment the better.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Men's Hair Loss Prevention With Good Hair Care

By Amber Kumm

Can appropriate hair care deter men's hair loss from happening? The short answer is: not usually. A more extensive answer is: the bulk of hair loss happens because of things unrelated to hair care or scalp care. Proper care of the hair and scalp, however, certainly cannot hurt a man's efforts in slowing down the rate at which he loses his hair.

In some circumstances, decent hair care can do a lot to make you feel like you are actively striving for less hair loss and thinning. This article shares some of the best ways to take care of your hair. There are plenty of articles out there that will tell you not to wash your hair every day.

They can even hammer away at colds and assist in making injuries in your muscles and joints better. Unfortunately, hot showers are terrible for your hair and your scalp. If you are worried about men's hair loss, you will need to turn down the heat in your shower. Use a lower temperature of water on your head. It assists in keeping the blood flowing and is simpler for your scalp to handle than the hot water you use for your muscles (take a bath for that).

This oil however can be a hinderance to a healthy scalp. In order to maintain a better scalp and hair health you need to wash at least once each day to minimize on the bad oils. Medicated shampoos can be too harsh on your scalp. You must focus your attention on your scalp first and hair last to promote decreased hair loss.

As a clich, women color their hair more frequently than men. That of course does not mean that men don't use hair color to change the characteristics of their hair. You most likely know that coloring your hair is a horrible choice (and for your scalp).

Drying out your scalp often happens with excessive blow drying. This can cause your scalp's pores to get clogged which, in turn, can prevent hair growth (and contribute to men's hair loss). Blow drying, if you decide that you must blow dry your hair, should be done on the low or the cool setting.

It is in fact only the heat that causes your scalp to dry out. Avoid overheating or over drying by keeping a safe distance from the scalp. Try to only blow dry your hair if you do not have time to wait for it to air dry or need it to be styled a certain way for a special occasion.

Men's hair loss cannot be prevented with proper hair care alone. However, testing out appropriate hair care methods won't hinder your luck for slowing down the rate of hair loss. The clear truth is that every now and again there is a possibility of regrowth for your hair.

Proper hair care is not a cure all for hair loss it will reduce the effects and perhaps even slow it down some. Your hair is like any other part of your body: you need to take care of it to make sure it stays healthy!

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